Erasing Spaces & Faces:

The Legacy of "Urban Renewal" in Saratoga Springs

Erasing Spaces and Faces The Legacy of Urban Renewal in Saratoga Springs

Meet the Artist

Project Team

Julie Lewis, Project Manager
Erin Leary, Project Manager
Maelcom Thayer, Archives Assistant
Meghan Willis, Archives Assistant
David Hochfelder, Research Consultant
Diogenes Kaufman, Content Creator


Adam Walker, Videographer
Jennifer Wojtowicz, Artist
Marcus Kwame Anderson, Artist
Jennifer Ogrodowski, SSPL Librarian
Joy King, Resident and member of The  Frederick Allen Elk’s Lodge

Sponsors & Partners


CREATE hosted workshops including "Erasing Spaces & Faces: The Legacy of Urban Renewal in Saratoga Springs,"& "American Politics & Community Today." These workshops are in partnership with the Saratoga Springs Library and C.R.E.A.T.E. Community Studios. Programs are designed to launch “creative conversations” initiatives to bring together community organizations and groups, local artists, and the Saratoga county community at large in order to engage in expressive art making with the purpose of using community art as the vehicle for community conversations and social change.